Tag: Molecular Catalysis

  • Innovative Metal and Organo-Catalyzed Approaches in Natural Product and Organic Synthesis: Transforming Chemistry for the Future

    Authors need to submit their article manuscript at the journal site for processing. The author guidelines and article template are provided on the journal site.

    Authors should mention the details of this special issue in cover letter (to editor) for consideration and processing in this issue.

    Submission open till: Sept, 30. 2025

    Issue Compilation: Nov, 2025

    Participating Journal

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmc

  • Progress of Chemical Sciences in Russia

    The Russian Chemistry Researchers and Collaborators can submit their research article or review article or protocol articles for consideration in the Journal of Molecular Chemistry. Submit your article on the journal site as per author guidelines provided on the journal site (link below)

    Last date for submission: Dec 30, 2024

    Issue Completion: Apr 10, 2025

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmc

  • ASETSD-Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology for Sustainable Development (ASETSD)

    This special issue will cover recent chemical sciences, chemical biology, chemical engineering, green synthesis, biomass derived chemicals, nanotechnology, chemical sensors, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, environmental chemistry, Biomedical Technology,. This issue will also take a close look at advances technological developments that solve various challenges connected to the researchers, scientists and industries for green synthesis, biomass derived products, nanotechnology, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, Biomedical technology, and Mathematical Modeling and Computational studies and application for tackling important topics.

    • Biochemistry
    • Bioinformatics                       
    • Biotechnology for Sustainable Development
    • Molecular Genetics
    • Catalysis                                            
    • Computational Chemistry       
    • Organic Chemistry          
    • Environmental Biotechnology & Bio-remediation
    • Green Materials and Sustainable Manufacturing      
    • Information Technology for Sustainability
    • Mathematical Models for Computer Science               
    • Renewable Energy Technologies

    Dr. Garima Pandey
    Associate Professor & Head
    Department of Chemistry
    SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
    Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

    Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
    Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

    Dr. Vijay Kumar Vishvakarma
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
    Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

    Article Submission: 25-06-2024

    Issue Completion: 20-09-2024

    Authors need to submit their articles to guest editors for preliminary evaluation and peer -reviewing. Contact details of guest editors available on conference website: https://sites.google.com/srmist.edu.in/asetsd/home . Final accepted article will have to be submitted on respective journal site.

    Chemical Biology Letters: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/cbl

    Biomedical and Therapeutics Letters: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/btl

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmc

    Journal of Materials NanoScience: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmns

    Applied Nano Medicine: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/nanomed

    Journal of Integrated Science and Technology: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jist

    Journal of Molecular Materials: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmm

  • Energy Materials – Special issue on New Research Advances in Energy Materials – Functional, Nano and Green Materials

    Energy is the utmost resource of essential need in development of human beings and science. Research in New energy materials defines the materials of future. Different Functional materials, nanomaterials and green materials are the leading arena in development of new energy resources. This special is envisaged to compile the research advances and knowledge for development of energy resources.


    The special issue solicit the articles from all fields of energy research, few subfield to mention include:

    Solar Energy Materials
    Perovskite Solar Cells
    Battery  and  Energy storage materials
    Bio Materials
    Green Energy sources developments (Biofuels – Biodiesel, BioCNG, Bioethanol)
    Chemistry of Energy materials
    Fuel Cells All advances in Energy materials development
    Photovoltaic nanomaterials
    Perovskite cells, Nanophotonics, Nanosolar cells, New nanomaterials for solar energy harvesting,
    Nanothermal energy systems,
    Nanosystems for harvesting mechanical and other forms of energy
    Nanogenerator, higher efficiency nanomaterials for existing energy systems (production, transportation and storage),
    Nanostorage systems for energy – Nanobattery (design and development)
    Carbon Nano & material development for Energy resources
    New Chips development for Energy management
    Nanomaterials for Energy
    Environmental issues concerned with energy systems
    MEMS, Semiconductor design for energy systems
    Carbon nanomaterials based energy generation and storage systems
    new nanoenergy nanomaterials properties evaluation and all other research advances related to Energy


    Dr. B.S. Chhikara
    University of Delhi,
    Delhi, India.

    Manuscript Submission

    Authors need to submit their manuscript in the Energy materials section of the journal. The manuscript should be formatted as per journal format provided in author guidelines section.

    Article types: Research Article, Review Article, Short Communications, Experts Opinion article (contact editors before submission of Experts opinions articles).

    The dates

    Last date: The submissions are open now, author can submit their manuscript now, the last date for submissions to be considered in this issue is October 31.

    Participating Journal

    Journal of Materials NanoScience https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmns/index

  • Organocatalysis – recent advances in organocatalysts chemistry – special issue

    The catalysts chemistry has a new arena to explore, the Organocatalysis which was recognized with the award of Noble Prize 2021 in Chemistry to Prof. Benzamin List and Prof. David MacMilan. The noble laureates in 2000, independent of each other, has brought the life to the chemistry of new type of catalysis known as asymmetric organocatalysis (this is new addition to catalysts science that mainly had metal catalysts and enzymes in the category). The organocatalysis make use of ‘small organic molecules’ to synthesize diversity of organic molecules.

    A number of different organic molecules has been explored as catalysts for synthesis of different type of organic molecules/compounds. This special issue is meant to cover recent advances in field of catalysis – organocatalysis.

    Articles are invited from researchers for selective compilation of work in organocatalysis. The work dealing with comparative outcomes of metal catalysts and organocatalysts will also be considered in this special issue.

    Issue Editor

    Dr. B.S. Chhikara
    University of Delhi

    Co-Guest editor : Space open. Interested scholar may collaborate with Guest Editor (write to him).

    The dates

    Submission : Open now
    Last date: 23-Feb-2024
    Issue compilation: April 2024

    Submission are open now and can be submitted till last date, any time now onwards.


    The special issue considers – Review articles, Research Articles, Short communications, Academic Notes, and also the editorial articles (from senior professors/scientists/expert in field).

    Manuscript prepared as per author guidelines should be submitted online on the journal site for processing. In cover letter mention that submission is for special issue.

    Participating Journal

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry


  • Molecular Letters – journal

    Molecular Letters is a peer reviewed open access international journal at the interface of chemistry, biology and materials meant to cover research at all stages from molecule design, synthesis to applications including biomolecules. The journal provide a rapid forum for publication of research at molecular level to biological or physical/materials applications including the Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, drug discovery, synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, materials chemistry, natural product, small molecule synthesis, chemical technology, biotechnology and other allied areas covering advances in new molecules and exploration of molecular applications in biology, medicine, polymer, materials and environment.


    Authors need to submit their article as per authors guidelines provided on journal site at https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/ml/index

  • Journal of Molecular Chemistry

    The Journal of Molecular Chemistry is a peer reviewed international journal at the heart of chemistry, meant to cover research at all stages from molecule design, synthesis to applications. The journal publishes research in chemistry at molecular level to applications in biological or physical/materials field. It covers the Organic Chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, new methodologies, natural product synthesis, new reaction pathways, peptide synthesis, small molecule synthesis, Chemistry research, chemical technology and other allied areas covering advances in chemistry and exploration of molecular applications in biology, medicine, polymer, materials and environment.

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry


    The journal publishes full length research articles, review article, tutorial articles, expert opinions from all field of organic chemistry and allied chemistry research including Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Medicinal Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Macrocyclic chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, NanoChemistry, Chemical Engineering and all other research advances related to new chemistry development. The chemistry research fraternity is invited to submit their next excellent article on journal site


    Author guidelines and article templates are provided on the journal site.

  • Molecular Chemistry Letters

    The Molecular Chemistry Letters is an international journal meant to provide a rapid forum for publication of quality original research from molecule design, synthesis and applications with major coverage in organic chemistry and interdisciplinary chemistry research. The Molecular Chemistry Letters covers the synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, new methodologies, natural product synthesis, new reaction pathways, peptide synthesis, small molecule synthesis, Polymer chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Chemistry Biology Interface research, chemical technology, green chemistry, environmental chemistry and other allied areas covering advances in chemistry.

    Molecular Chemistry Letters


    The journal publishes short communications (letters), research articles, review article, tutorial articles, expert opinions from all field of organic chemistry and allied chemistry research including Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Macrocyclic chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, NanoChemistry, Chemical Engineering and all other research advances related to new chemistry development. The chemistry research fraternity is invited to submit their next excellent article on journal site


    Author guidelines and article templates are provided on the journal site.