Progress of Chemical Sciences in Russia

Special Collection for recent progress in Chemical Sciences research in Russia

The Russian Chemistry Researchers and Collaborators can submit their research article or review article or protocol articles for consideration in the Journal of Molecular Chemistry. Submit your article on the journal site as per author guidelines provided on the journal site (link below)

Early submissions: Aug 28, 2024

Last date for submission: Oct 30, 2024

Issue Completion: Dec 10, 2024

Journal of Molecular Chemistry

Journal of Molecular Materials

Journal of Molecular Materials is a lead journal for publication of quality research and review articles from Materials Sciences, Chemistry and physics of materials, Materials Chemistry, Smart Materials, Energy Materials, Polymers and new functional materials.

Journal of Molecular Materials is a lead journal for publication of quality research and review articles from Materials Sciences, Chemistry and physics of materials, Materials Chemistry, Smart Materials, Energy Materials, Polymers, new functional materials, and materials development at molecular level.

The submissions are invited for materials sciences researchers, submit your manuscript at:

ASETSD-Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology for Sustainable Development (ASETSD)

A special issue on Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology for Sustainable Development (ASETSD) covering the chemical sciences, chemical biology, chemical engineering, green synthesis, biomass derived chemicals, nanotechnology, chemical sensors, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, environmental chemistry, Biomedical Technology, and Mathematical Modeling and Computational Techniques towards advances & sustainability.

This special issue will cover recent chemical sciences, chemical biology, chemical engineering, green synthesis, biomass derived chemicals, nanotechnology, chemical sensors, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, environmental chemistry, Biomedical Technology,. This issue will also take a close look at advances technological developments that solve various challenges connected to the researchers, scientists and industries for green synthesis, biomass derived products, nanotechnology, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, Biomedical technology, and Mathematical Modeling and Computational studies and application for tackling important topics.

  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics                       
  • Biotechnology for Sustainable Development
  • Molecular Genetics
  • Catalysis                                            
  • Computational Chemistry       
  • Organic Chemistry          
  • Environmental Biotechnology & Bio-remediation
  • Green Materials and Sustainable Manufacturing      
  • Information Technology for Sustainability
  • Mathematical Models for Computer Science               
  • Renewable Energy Technologies

Dr. Garima Pandey
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Chemistry
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

Dr. Vijay Kumar Vishvakarma
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR
Campus Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204

Article Submission: 25-06-2024

Issue Completion: 20-09-2024

Authors need to submit their articles to guest editors for preliminary evaluation and peer -reviewing. Contact details of guest editors available on conference website: . Final accepted article will have to be submitted on respective journal site.

Chemical Biology Letters:

Biomedical and Therapeutics Letters:

Journal of Molecular Chemistry:

Journal of Materials NanoScience:

Applied Nano Medicine:

Journal of Integrated Science and Technology:

Journal of Molecular Materials:

Author Guidelines for Biomedical and Therapeutics Letters journal

Authors guidelines for submission of manuscript, and article template for the Biomedical and Therapeutics Letters journal

Information for Authors

> The Authors need to submit a single manuscript file containing all figures and tables.
> The supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file.
> A cover letter and graphical abstract should be submitted along with manuscript as details provided below.

Cover letter

Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.

Graphical Abstract

Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. The guidelines for graphical abstract preparation and submission are available on this link.


Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords (refer for details), (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion,  experimental procedures, conclusion in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. References should be formatted as shown for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5

1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.
2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995.
3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010.
4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002; Vol. 2, pp 1–95.
5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.

Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors may use Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for all ScienceIn journals):

Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 style file: ScienceIn Journals CSL style file

Authors can directly add the styles to Zotero and Mendeley, follow the below steps:
Zotero: Open Zotero desktop > Edit (top menu)> Preferences > Cite (menu in new opened small window) > Get additional styles.. (click this link below the list of styles) > in new opened window – search the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ link > style file will download > Open the file with Zotero desktop and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals).
Mendeley: Open Mendeley desktop > View (top menu) > Citation Styles > More styles.. > go to tab ‘Get more styles’ (in new opened window) > search for the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘install’ adjacent to ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ list > style file will be installed > then click on ‘Use this style’ from the installed styles tab and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals).

Endnote style file: ScienceIn Journals Endnote style file

(click and download the endnote style file from google drive … and either copy the file to Endnote style folder (go to C:>Program files>Endnote > Style folder > paste the file in this folder (it will listed in style when you open the Endnote program) or you can directly Open the downloaded style file in EndNote program and use).

Also the user can check the respective program user guide (online link on Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote) regarding information on how to use the style file.


Authors need to submit all manuscripts through journal website. Register by following link ‘Register’ on the journal site (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find ‘new submission’ link in your panel page.

For review purpose, author can submit the manuscript as outlined above. However, Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template (provided below) as it progress towards acceptance. On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template).


On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).

Download the template, double click the file to open, prepare your article and save it with your own name.

Instructions for conversion of manuscript in journal article template is provided on  (please check the video on the link for correctly formatting your manuscript.

Login and submit the manuscript online (submission by email are not accepted). Only online submissions are accepted now.

Authors are advised to contact Support, BTL (email: pubs @ ) if there is any problem in registration or submission.

Unique IDs for Articles: The journal is currently using URN number for the published articles (however, this is currently meant for internal use by journal). The journal will process the assigning of DOI (Digital Object Indentifier) to articles (including previously published ones) once the journal is indexed in Web of Science (Clarivate) as it help in providing the correct citations records for the published articles.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Authors should mention any conflict of interest in the work submitted to Biomedical and Therapeutics Letters. The statement about conflict of interest may be mentioned in the ‘Letter to editor’ and placed in the manuscript after acknowledgement section.

Authors need to check the details of ‘Conflict of Interest’ for authors of scientific works.

Ethical Uses Declaration

If the manuscript report the experimentation on animals (including clinical trials on human beings), then declaration about ethical way handling of animals and about keeping the complete privacy of human identity (in case of clinical trials) must be mentioned in the manuscript.

Helsinki Declaration (contents from NIH-NLM): When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. See the detailed instructions on  and (for recent applicable policy documents).

Authors need to check and follow the general Ethical Practices for Authors of scientific work.

Submission Journal Link

Submit manuscript on journal editorial processing site at  ( New journal site with new platform ).

SGVU – Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences

A special issue on recent advancements in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences encompassing research endeavours related to drug discovery and design, therapeutic delivery systems and approaches, structural/cell/immuno-biology, bioinformatics, nano-/bio-materials, biosensors and biomedical devices, environmental remediation and toxicology, agricultural biotechnology and application of artificial intelligence/machine learning tools for better health and safe environment.

Article Submission: 15-June-2024

Issue Completion: 30-August-2024

Authors need to submit their articles to guest editors/conference secretariat for preliminary evaluation and peer -reviewing. Final accepted article will have to be submitted on (the recommended) respective journal site).

Energy Materials – Special issue on New Research Advances in Energy Materials – Functional, Nano and Green Materials

A special issue covering the recent advances in field of Energy – Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources advances including development of smart and functional materials for development of new energy resources as well as advancement of existing energy resources

Energy is the utmost resource of essential need in development of human beings and science. Research in New energy materials defines the materials of future. Different Functional materials, nanomaterials and green materials are the leading arena in development of new energy resources. This special is envisaged to compile the research advances and knowledge for development of energy resources.


The special issue solicit the articles from all fields of energy research, few subfield to mention include:

Solar Energy Materials
Perovskite Solar Cells
Battery  and  Energy storage materials
Bio Materials
Green Energy sources developments (Biofuels – Biodiesel, BioCNG, Bioethanol)
Chemistry of Energy materials
Fuel Cells All advances in Energy materials development
Photovoltaic nanomaterials
Perovskite cells, Nanophotonics, Nanosolar cells, New nanomaterials for solar energy harvesting,
Nanothermal energy systems,
Nanosystems for harvesting mechanical and other forms of energy
Nanogenerator, higher efficiency nanomaterials for existing energy systems (production, transportation and storage),
Nanostorage systems for energy – Nanobattery (design and development)
Carbon Nano & material development for Energy resources
New Chips development for Energy management
Nanomaterials for Energy
Environmental issues concerned with energy systems
MEMS, Semiconductor design for energy systems
Carbon nanomaterials based energy generation and storage systems
new nanoenergy nanomaterials properties evaluation and all other research advances related to Energy


Dr. B.S. Chhikara
University of Delhi,
Delhi, India.

Manuscript Submission

Authors need to submit their manuscript in the Energy materials section of the journal. The manuscript should be formatted as per journal format provided in author guidelines section.

Article types: Research Article, Review Article, Short Communications, Experts Opinion article (contact editors before submission of Experts opinions articles).

The dates

Last date: The submissions are open now, author can submit their manuscript now, the last date for submissions to be considered in this issue is October 31.

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Sustainable Chemistry for Health and Environment

A special issue on Sustainable Chemistry covering the medicinal chemistry, green synthesis, biomass derived chemicals, biopolymer for health, nanotechnology, chemical sensors, photochemical reactions, green fuels, natural products, environmental chemistry and allied chemical sciences advances towards sustainable future.

The Department of Chemistry, Deshabndhu College, University of Delhi, India, in association with Augusta University, USA; Indian Society of Chemists & Biologists (ISCB) and the Indian Association of Solid-State Chemists and Allied Scientists (ISCAS) is organising a three-day  International Conference on “Integrative Chemical Science for Health and Environment” on 6-8 October 2023. The conference aims to promote scientific network, research and collaboration among experts from all over the world as well as industry personnel to showcase their products. This event enables the environmentalist, health experts, academicians, researchers, and students to present latest developments, trends, and solutions for addressing the issues of good health and a clean environment.

Rising greenhouse gas emissions, as well as an increased carbon footprint as a result of human-caused activities including land usage, deforestation, biomass burning, and agricultural operations, are creating catastrophic climate change. For decades, chemists and biochemists have worked together to address the critical issue of global warming. To reduce the use of fossil fuels and improve air and land pollution, researchers must develop new alternative chemist technologies that are cost-effective, safe, cleaner, and replenishable, such as renewable energy sources, biofuels, and functionally modified chemicals/nanomaterials. Nanotechnology is one of the most promising technologies for fostering sustainable development by addressing issues such as human health, water treatment, climate change, soil remediation, and environmental problems.

This issue will cover recent trends in chemical science and nanobiotechnology that aid in the diagnosis of infectious diseases through the use of new drugs and delivery vehicles, high-resolution biosensors/nanodevices for rapid diagnosis, and artificial intelligence to treat people living in rural areas who are infected with viral diseases such as COVID-19.  This issue will also take a close look at recent technological developments that solve various challenges connected to the isolation and characterization of natural products to be used as drug leads for tackling important topics such as antibiotic resistance. 

Themes of special issue
  • Recent advances in medicinal chemistry
  • Green synthesis for health and environment
  • Biomass-derived chemicals for pharmaceuticals
  • Functional modification of bio-polymers for health and environment
  • Nanotechnology for drug delivery and for health care monitoring
  • Nanomaterials as chemical sensors for a safer environment
  • Electrochemical water treatment and resource recovery
  • Photochemical processes for health and environment
  • Biomaterials for environmental remediation
  • Sustainable Chemistry
  • Green alternative to fossil fuels
  • Functional molecules/nanomaterials for catalysis
  • Natural product synthesis

Guest Editors

Dr Pratibha Kumari
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
Deshbandhu College
University of Delhi, India

Dr Rohit Kholiya
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Deshbandhu College
University of Delhi, India

Dr Vineeta Kashyap
 Assistant Professor
 Department of Biochemistry
 Deshbandhu College
 University of Delhi, India

Date Schedule

Article Submission: 20-Feb-2024

Issue Completion: 30-April-2024


Authors need to submit their articles to guest editors/conference secretariat for preliminary evaluation and peer -reviewing. Final accepted article will have to be submitted on (the recommended) respective journal site).

Participating Journals

Chemical Biology Letters

Journal of Molecular Chemistry

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Applied NanoMedicine

New Drug Delivery Review Article 2022, 2023

The drug delivery is an important factor now in rationalization of any new or existing drug towards specific ailment, the most prominently against the cancer where drug delivery systems have been extensively explored. The new advancement in drug delivery using different nano-particular systems viz. metal nanoparticles, liposomes, dendrimers, lipids, carbon nanomaterials, niosomes, phytosomes, virus, and other systems are moving towards the precision drug delivery.

All different aspects towards a precise drug delivery have been discussed in a recent review article that has been published in the ‘Applied NanoMedicine’. Readers can access the article PDF at:

The above article should also serve your queries related to drug delivery article 2023; drug delivery article 2022; new drug delivery systems; precise drug delivery; gene delivery article 2022; recent advances in drug delivery; advanced drug delivery reviews; journal article; drug delivery review PDF; Drug delivery systems updated review – PMC – NCBI; commercial drug delivery technologies; current research in drug delivery; precision nanoparticles for drug delivery – Nature; drug delivery review article; new drug delivery methods; drug delivery system pdf; drug delivery systems examples; importance of drug delivery system; Novel drug delivery system review article and related queries.

Authors can publish similar articles related to drug delivery research in the journal ‘Applied Nanomedicine‘ , the submission details, template and journal information is provided on the link

Oxidative stress and antioxidants in reproductive health and disorders – Special Issue

Infertility affects 15% of couples worldwide and is a major health issue. One of the primary reasons for infertility is oxidative stress (OS), which is defined as an imbalance in the amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidants. In case of male reproduction, physiological functions of sperm, especially capacitation, hyperactivation, and acrosomal reaction, require a modest level of ROS. However, excessive ROS generation can inactivate vital enzymes and oxidize proteins in spermatozoa, lipid peroxidation or DNA damage, leading to infertility. Major sources of ROS include immature spermatozoa, inflammatory agents, genetic mutations, and altered sex hormone levels. In case of female reproduction, existing literature suggest that ROS affect oocyte development, maturation, follicular atresia, corpus luteum function, and luteolysis. Mechanisms of OS-mediated female reproductive tract disorders resemble those of male infertility to a substantial extent. Since OS is caused by deficiency in antioxidants, adopting a healthier lifestyle and taking antioxidant supplements are used as conventional treatment for OS-mediated infertility.
This special issues aims to highlight the physiological ROS generation, genetic and epigenetic influences on OS and infertility; and also to present an updated in-depth insight on the mechanism involved in OS-induced infertility, including lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, hormone profile imbalance, inflammation, etc. Finally, the special issue intends to discuss the beneficial impacts and limitations of using antioxidants in treating male and female infertility.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
● Oxidative stress in male and female infertility
● Systemic diseases and reproduction: oxidative stress as the key player
● Endocrine disruption, oxidative stress and reproduction
● Infection, inflammation and oxidative stress in reproductive pathophysiology
● Antioxidants in the mitigation of oxidative stress induced reproductive disorders


Dr Pallav Sengupta and Dr. Sulagna Dutta

 Important Dates

Full Article Submission date- April 15, 2023
Issue completion date – June 1, 2023


Interested scholars should submit their article (prepared according to author guidelines in the journal article template) on the journal site 

Authors should submit their article manuscript directly to guest editors for preliminary editorial processing.

Participating Journal

Journal of Integrated Science and Technology

Organocatalysis – recent advances in organocatalysts chemistry – special issue

The catalysts chemistry has a new arena to explore, the Organocatalysis which was recognized with the award of Noble Prize 2021 in Chemistry to Prof. Benzamin List and Prof. David MacMilan. The noble laureates in 2000, independent of each other, has brought the life to the chemistry of new type of catalysis known as asymmetric organocatalysis (this is new addition to catalysts science that mainly had metal catalysts and enzymes in the category). The organocatalysis make use of ‘small organic molecules’ to synthesize diversity of organic molecules.

A number of different organic molecules has been explored as catalysts for synthesis of different type of organic molecules/compounds. This special issue is meant to cover recent advances in field of catalysis – organocatalysis.

Articles are invited from researchers for selective compilation of work in organocatalysis. The work dealing with comparative outcomes of metal catalysts and organocatalysts will also be considered in this special issue.

Issue Editor

Dr. B.S. Chhikara
University of Delhi

Co-Guest editor : Space open. Interested scholar may collaborate with Guest Editor (write to him).

The dates

Submission : Open now
Last date: 23-Feb-2024
Issue compilation: April 2024

Submission are open now and can be submitted till last date, any time now onwards.


The special issue considers – Review articles, Research Articles, Short communications, Academic Notes, and also the editorial articles (from senior professors/scientists/expert in field).

Manuscript prepared as per author guidelines should be submitted online on the journal site for processing. In cover letter mention that submission is for special issue.

Participating Journal

Journal of Molecular Chemistry