Organic Chemistry Journal India

Organic Chemistry branch of chemistry is concerned with carbon compounds, their synthesis and applications. There is vast variety of organic compounds including natural products, aromatic compounds, drugs, organic conductor materials, and macromolecules. The synthetic organic chemistry is itself is a vast field of research with diverse applications.

The journal specifically meant for publication of Organic Chemistry research articles is ‘Journal of Molecular Chemistry’ – Organic Chemistry section. The journal publishes short communications (letters), research articles (full length), review (and mini-review) articles and synthetic protocols.

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Molecular chemistry journal

Journal of Molecular Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry articles (Letters, Research Articles, Review articles) related to synthetic methodologies and synthesis of new organic compounds.

Make a new submission to the Organic Chemistry section.

Methods & Protocols

The articles for complete re-synthetic methods evaluation (process chemistry, specific compound synthesis with complete details of experimental procedure settings and observations).

Make a new submission to the Methods & Protocols section.

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Organocatalysis – recent advances in organocatalysts chemistry – special issue

The catalysts chemistry has a new arena to explore, the Organocatalysis which was recognized with the award of Noble Prize 2021 in Chemistry to Prof. Benzamin List and Prof. David MacMilan. The noble laureates in 2000, independent of each other, has brought the life to the chemistry of new type of catalysis known as asymmetric organocatalysis (this is new addition to catalysts science that mainly had metal catalysts and enzymes in the category). The organocatalysis make use of ‘small organic molecules’ to synthesize diversity of organic molecules.

A number of different organic molecules has been explored as catalysts for synthesis of different type of organic molecules/compounds. This special issue is meant to cover recent advances in field of catalysis – organocatalysis.

Articles are invited from researchers for selective compilation of work in organocatalysis. The work dealing with comparative outcomes of metal catalysts and organocatalysts will also be considered in this special issue.

Issue Editor

Dr. B.S. Chhikara
University of Delhi

Co-Guest editor : Space open. Interested scholar may collaborate with Guest Editor (write to him).

The dates

Submission : Open now
Last date: 23-Feb-2024
Issue compilation: April 2024

Submission are open now and can be submitted till last date, any time now onwards.


The special issue considers – Review articles, Research Articles, Short communications, Academic Notes, and also the editorial articles (from senior professors/scientists/expert in field).

Manuscript prepared as per author guidelines should be submitted online on the journal site for processing. In cover letter mention that submission is for special issue.

Participating Journal

Journal of Molecular Chemistry