Tag: Macrocyclic Chemistry Letters

  • Progress of Chemical Sciences in Russia

    The Russian Chemistry Researchers and Collaborators can submit their research article or review article or protocol articles for consideration in the Journal of Molecular Chemistry. Submit your article on the journal site as per author guidelines provided on the journal site (link below)

    Last date for submission: Dec 30, 2024

    Issue Completion: Apr 10, 2025

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmc

  • Organic Chemistry Journal India

    Organic Chemistry branch of chemistry is concerned with carbon compounds, their synthesis and applications. There is vast variety of organic compounds including natural products, aromatic compounds, drugs, organic conductor materials, and macromolecules. The synthetic organic chemistry is itself is a vast field of research with diverse applications.

    The journal specifically meant for publication of Organic Chemistry research articles is ‘Journal of Molecular Chemistry’ – Organic Chemistry section. The journal publishes short communications (letters), research articles (full length), review (and mini-review) articles and synthetic protocols.

    Submit your article at

    Molecular chemistry journal

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry

    Organic Chemistry

    Organic Chemistry articles (Letters, Research Articles, Review articles) related to synthetic methodologies and synthesis of new organic compounds.

    Make a new submission to the Organic Chemistry section.

    Methods & Protocols

    The articles for complete re-synthetic methods evaluation (process chemistry, specific compound synthesis with complete details of experimental procedure settings and observations).

    Make a new submission to the Methods & Protocols section.

    This page information should serve your queries related to ‘Organic Chemistry Journals, Indian journal of organic chemistry, organic letters, organic journal, synthetic chemistry journal, new journal, peer-reviewed chemistry journal, chemistry journal from India, quality research journal, journal for organic chemistry research, list of chemistry journals, synlett, synthesis letters, synthesis journal, SynOpen Synthetic chemistry open journal, new organic chemistry journal, advanced chemical sciences – acs journal, organic catalysis journal.

  • Organocatalysis – recent advances in organocatalysts chemistry – special issue

    The catalysts chemistry has a new arena to explore, the Organocatalysis which was recognized with the award of Noble Prize 2021 in Chemistry to Prof. Benzamin List and Prof. David MacMilan. The noble laureates in 2000, independent of each other, has brought the life to the chemistry of new type of catalysis known as asymmetric organocatalysis (this is new addition to catalysts science that mainly had metal catalysts and enzymes in the category). The organocatalysis make use of ‘small organic molecules’ to synthesize diversity of organic molecules.

    A number of different organic molecules has been explored as catalysts for synthesis of different type of organic molecules/compounds. This special issue is meant to cover recent advances in field of catalysis – organocatalysis.

    Articles are invited from researchers for selective compilation of work in organocatalysis. The work dealing with comparative outcomes of metal catalysts and organocatalysts will also be considered in this special issue.

    Issue Editor

    Dr. B.S. Chhikara
    University of Delhi

    Co-Guest editor : Space open. Interested scholar may collaborate with Guest Editor (write to him).

    The dates

    Submission : Open now
    Last date: 23-Feb-2024
    Issue compilation: April 2024

    Submission are open now and can be submitted till last date, any time now onwards.


    The special issue considers – Review articles, Research Articles, Short communications, Academic Notes, and also the editorial articles (from senior professors/scientists/expert in field).

    Manuscript prepared as per author guidelines should be submitted online on the journal site for processing. In cover letter mention that submission is for special issue.

    Participating Journal

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry


  • Journal of Molecular Chemistry

    The Journal of Molecular Chemistry is a peer reviewed international journal at the heart of chemistry, meant to cover research at all stages from molecule design, synthesis to applications. The journal publishes research in chemistry at molecular level to applications in biological or physical/materials field. It covers the Organic Chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, new methodologies, natural product synthesis, new reaction pathways, peptide synthesis, small molecule synthesis, Chemistry research, chemical technology and other allied areas covering advances in chemistry and exploration of molecular applications in biology, medicine, polymer, materials and environment.

    Journal of Molecular Chemistry


    The journal publishes full length research articles, review article, tutorial articles, expert opinions from all field of organic chemistry and allied chemistry research including Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Medicinal Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Macrocyclic chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, NanoChemistry, Chemical Engineering and all other research advances related to new chemistry development. The chemistry research fraternity is invited to submit their next excellent article on journal site


    Author guidelines and article templates are provided on the journal site.

  • ChemCyclic Letters

    The ChemCyclic Letters is rechristened ‘Advanced Organic Chemistry Letters’ (AOCL) international journal meant to provide a rapid forum for publication of quality original research from organic chemistry and interdisciplinary chemistry research. The ChemCyclic Letters covers the scientific ideas and approaches of synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, new methodologies, natural product synthesis, new reaction pathways, peptide synthesis, small molecule synthesis, Chemistry research, chemical technology and other allied areas covering advances in chemistry.

    ChemCyclic Letters


    The journal publishes research articles, review article, tutorial articles, expert opinions from all field of organic chemistry and allied chemistry research including Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Macrocyclic chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, NanoChemistry, Chemical Engineering and all other research advances related to mew chemistry development. Researchers may please submit article on journal site


    Author guidelines and article templates are provided on the journal site.

  • Author guidelines for ChemCyclic Letters

    Information for Authors

    The Authors need to submit
    > a ‘manuscript file’ (word file). Manuscript file should contain text and figure at appropriate positions (figures/graphs/chem structures/tables should not be placed in the end of file; all these should be at appropriate positions in text). Manuscript file should preferably be in journal article template.
    > The supplementary data files (if any) should be submitted as a separate file.
    > A list of suggested reviewers (MS-excel file) in the format (provided below) need to be provided.

    Cover letter

    Authors may provide a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.

    Graphical Abstract

    Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. The guidelines for graphical abstract preparation and submission are available on this link. The graphical abstract should be submitted in image format separately and also be included in the main manuscript file.


    Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, conclusion, experimental procedures in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections.
    Bibliography: Authors may use the ScienceIn journals references format (given below) OR any other format for citations/references (sequential numbered) that is used in any of international Chemistry journals (ACS journals, RSC Journals, Thieme, Wiley etc.). The ScienceIn journals style have citations in sequential superscript number place after any punctuation such as for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5 and references should be formatted as shown
    1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.
    2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995.
    3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010.
    4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002; Vol. 2, pp 1–95.
    5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.

    Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors may use Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for all ScienceIn journals):

    Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 style file: ScienceIn Journals CSL style file

    Authors can directly add the styles to Zotero and Mendeley, follow the below steps:
    Zotero: Open Zotero desktop > Edit (top menu)> Preferences > Cite (menu in new opened small window) > Get additional styles.. (click this link below the list of styles) > in new opened window – search the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ link > style file will download > Open the file with Zotero desktop and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals).
    Mendeley: Open Mendeley desktop > View (top menu) > Citation Styles > More styles.. > go to tab ‘Get more styles’ (in new opened window) > search for the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘install’ adjacent to ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ list > style file will be installed > then click on ‘Use this style’ from the installed styles tab and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals).

    Endnote style file: ScienceIn Journals Endnote style file

    (click and download the endnote style file from google drive … and either copy the file to Endnote style folder (go to C:>Program files>Endnote > Style folder > paste the file in this folder (it will listed in style when you open the Endnote program) or you can directly Open the downloaded style file in EndNote program and use).

    Also the user can check the respective program user guide (online link on Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote) regarding information on how to use the style file.


    Authors need to submit article manuscript through journal website. Register by following link ‘Register’ on journal site (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find ‘new submission’ link in your panel page.
    Reviewers details should be provided in excel file. Download the following excel file

    and submit while submitting manuscript. Journal uses ‘open reviewing’ of submissions, this file is required for review processing of article.

    For review purpose, author can submit the manuscript as outlined above. However, Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template (provided below) as it progress towards acceptance. On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template). If you face difficulty in preparing manuscript according to template, then you can check the video instructions provided on https://pubs.thesciencein.org/manuscript-conversion-in-journal-article-template-instructions/ 


    On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).


    Authors can use any one of these above templates for preparation of their manuscript. Download the template, double click the file to open and then prepare your article and save it with your own name.

    Instructions for conversion of manuscript in journal article template is provided on https://pubs.thesciencein.org/manuscript-conversion-in-journal-article-template-instructions/  please check the video on the link for correctly formatting your manuscript.


    Login and submit the manuscript online (submission by email are not accepted). Only online submissions are accepted now.

    Authors are advised to contact Support, CCL (email: pubs @ thesciencein.org ) if there is any problem in registration or submission.

    Declaration of Conflict of Interest

    Authors should mention any conflict of interest in the work submissted to ChemCyclic Letters. The statement about conflict of interest may be mentioned in the ‘Letter to editor’ or placed in the manuscript after acknowledgement section.

    Ethical Uses Declaration:

    If the manuscript report the experimentation on animals (including clinical trials on human beings), then declaration about ethical way handling of animals and about keeping the complete privacy of human identity (in case of clinical trials) must be mentioned in the manuscript.

    Helsinki Declaration (contents from NIH-NLM): When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

    Journal site

    Submit manuscript on journal editorial processing site at
