Novel synthesis and Optical investigation of trivalent Europium doped MGd2Si3O10 (M = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) nanophosphors for full-color displays


Novel synthesis and Optical investigation of trivalent Europium doped MGd2Si3O10 (M = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) nanophosphors for full-color displays

Published in Journal of Materials NanoScience

  • Suman Sheoran M.D. University
  • Sitender Singh M.D. University
  • Ajay Mann M.D. University
  • Anura Samantilleke Universidade of Minho
  • Bernabe Mani Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
  • Devender Singh M.D. University

Keywords: nanophosphors, displays, lanthanide, luminescence, composites, LED


A series of Eu3+ doped MGd2Si3O10 (M = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) was synthesized via sol-gel procedure at 950 oC. The optical characteristics of the materials were studied by Photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra. Upon 395 nm excitation and at 0.03 mole concentration of Eu3+ ion, these nanophosphors display optimum photoluminescence with most intense peak due to 5D07F2 (614-616) of dopant. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis proves that all synthesized materials are of crystalline nature and crystallinity improves on increasing temperature. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) exhibited the spherical shape of particles in 13-30 nm size. Fourier Transformation infrared (FTIR) spectra showed peaks in 400-1000 cm-1 corresponding to gadolinium-oxygen and silicon-oxygen bond vibrations. In BaGd2Si3O10 material, Gd-O vibration is centered at 492 cm-1 and absorption band at 855 cm-1 is result of asymmetric vibrations of SiO in silicate tetrahedral unit. Due to excellent photoluminescence and suitable CIE coordinates, these materials could have brilliant applications in innovative displays.

Research Highlights

  • Series of trivalent europium doped MGd2Si3O10 (M = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+)fluorescent materials were synthesized successfully with sol-gel procedure.
  • The prepared samples were characterized using Photoluminescence analysis, X-ray diffraction study, Transmission Electron Microscopic analysis and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy.
  • The CIE color coordinates values of phosphor confirmed the red color of complex approving the PL results.
  • X-ray diffraction pattern of these materials determined the particle size using Debye Scherrer’s equation.
  • Excellent photoluminescence response and nano size of these materials made them suitable for various innovative display applications.

Cite as: Sheoran, S., Singh, S., Mann, A., Samantilleke, A., Mani, B., & Singh, D. (2019). Novel synthesis and Optical investigation of trivalent Europium doped MGd2Si3O10 (M = Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) nanophosphors for full-color displays. Journal of Materials NanoScience, 6(2), 73-81.

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