#NanoCatalysis covers the development in new #chemistry for #nanocatalysts synthesis and applications. The chemistry in the field of nanocatalysis and nanocatalysts is advancing at a fast pace, #high-impact and bringing the new methodologies, chemical procedures for synthesis of nanocatalysts along with development of new type of nanocatalysts. The application field of #nanochemistry of catalysis is spreading to new areas including new nanocatalysis, surface chemistry of nanocatalysts, refining and development of catalysts for existing procedures, new nanoconjugates for higher catalytic activity, nanophysics of catalytic materials, new organic nanocatalysts, solution chemistry of nanocatalysts, and so on. A special issue covering the recent advances in chemistry of nanocatalysis will cover following fields:
- Carbon based nanocatalysts: Nanofullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene,
- Nanocatalysis – development of new nanocatalysts and applications thereof.
- Nanoscience chemistry of metal catalyst materials
- Chemistry of Nanoenergy materials
- NanoChips (semiconductor designing and development using new materials chemistry)
- Nanocatalysts/nanomaterials for Nanobattery and nanofuel cells
- Inorganic Chemistry development in nanoparticle catalysts and applications thereof like gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, iron and magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots, and other metal /alloy nanoparticles.
- Nanocatalysts for biotechnology and Nanomedicine – Chemistry of Drug delivery systems
- BioNanocatalysts: Chemistry and Biology of Biocatalysts
- NanoEnzymes Chemistry
- All other subfields of Nanocatalysts development and application
The articles are invited from Chemical Sciences fraternity for publication in special issue. The Review articles, Original Research Articles, Short Communication, Expert Opinion would be considered for processing in the issue.
Author Guidelines are provided on the link: JMNS Author Manuscript preparation Guidelines
Submission: Authors need to submit their manuscript as per author guidelines on the journal Editorial Manager /manuscript processing site https://pubs.thesciencein.org/journal/index.php/jmns (or alternatively can be submitted by email at pubs@thesciencein.org )
Last Date of Submissions: Ongoing
There is no publishing charges or APC for publishing in the journal.
Issue Editing by
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Dr. Rajender S. Verma, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ORD, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Water Systems Division/ Water Resources Recovery Branch 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443 Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA EB Associate Editor and Senior Advisor Research interest: NanoChemistry, Nanocatalysis, Nanoscience, nanomaterials. |
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