Remodeling of membrane lipid homeostasis in azole resistant isolates of Candida albicans

Remodeling of membrane lipid homeostasis in azole resistant isolates of Candida albicans

Azole resistance mechanisms in Candida albicans infections majorly focus around the alteration of target enzymes, overexpression of efflux pump proteins, and changes in lipid metabolism. Our earlier lipidomic studies have linked changes in cellular lipid compositions to drug susceptibilities and phenotypic defects. This study investigates the relationship between whole cell and membrane lipid profiles in isogenic drug-susceptible and resistant isolates of C. albicans. We have examined the fatty acid and sterol snapshot lipidomics in whole cells, plasma membrane, and lipid rafts. Correlations were discovered between these lipid compositions and the observed drug resistance in C. albicans. Although the correlations drawn from cellular and plasma membrane data corroborate, understanding plasma membrane and suborganellar (rafts in this case) lipid changes may provide better insights into their roles in efflux pump activities and localization, and drug susceptibilities.


Remodeling of membrane lipid homeostasis in azole resistant isolates of Candida albicans –

Chemical Biology Letters

Author: ScienceIn

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