Energy Materials – Special issue on New Research Advances in Energy Materials – Functional, Nano and Green Materials

A special issue covering the recent advances in field of Energy – Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources advances including development of smart and functional materials for development of new energy resources as well as advancement of existing energy resources

Energy is the utmost resource of essential need in development of human beings and science. Research in New energy materials defines the materials of future. Different Functional materials, nanomaterials and green materials are the leading arena in development of new energy resources. This special is envisaged to compile the research advances and knowledge for development of energy resources.


The special issue solicit the articles from all fields of energy research, few subfield to mention include:

Solar Energy Materials
Perovskite Solar Cells
Battery  and  Energy storage materials
Bio Materials
Green Energy sources developments (Biofuels – Biodiesel, BioCNG, Bioethanol)
Chemistry of Energy materials
Fuel Cells All advances in Energy materials development
Photovoltaic nanomaterials
Perovskite cells, Nanophotonics, Nanosolar cells, New nanomaterials for solar energy harvesting,
Nanothermal energy systems,
Nanosystems for harvesting mechanical and other forms of energy
Nanogenerator, higher efficiency nanomaterials for existing energy systems (production, transportation and storage),
Nanostorage systems for energy – Nanobattery (design and development)
Carbon Nano & material development for Energy resources
New Chips development for Energy management
Nanomaterials for Energy
Environmental issues concerned with energy systems
MEMS, Semiconductor design for energy systems
Carbon nanomaterials based energy generation and storage systems
new nanoenergy nanomaterials properties evaluation and all other research advances related to Energy


Dr. B.S. Chhikara
University of Delhi,
Delhi, India.

Manuscript Submission

Authors need to submit their manuscript in the Energy materials section of the journal. The manuscript should be formatted as per journal format provided in author guidelines section.

Article types: Research Article, Review Article, Short Communications, Experts Opinion article (contact editors before submission of Experts opinions articles).

The dates

Last date: The submissions are open now, author can submit their manuscript now, the last date for submissions to be considered in this issue is October 31.

Participating Journal

Journal of Materials NanoScience

Author: ScienceIn

International platform for Publishing of Quality research in Science, Medical and Technology