Tag: Biomedical Science

  • SGVU – Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences

    SGVU – Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences

    A special issue on recent advancements in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences encompassing research endeavours related to drug discovery and design, therapeutic delivery systems and approaches, structural/cell/immuno-biology, bioinformatics, nano-/bio-materials, biosensors and biomedical devices, environmental remediation and toxicology, agricultural biotechnology and application of artificial intelligence/machine learning tools for better health and safe environment.

  • Immunoendocrine regulation of energy homeostasis and male reproduction

    Immunoendocrine regulation of energy homeostasis and male reproduction

    Male reproduction and its intricate neuroimmunoendocrine regulations open a wide scope of scientific interventions. Male infertility, being responsible for about half of the overall global infertility cases, represents a complex pathophysiological mechanism. Crosstalk among the endogenous immune and endocrine mediators may affect male gonadal functions. Since male reproduction is fine-tuned by orchestrated regulation of reproductive…