Tag: NanoChemistry Scientists under 50

  • Lead 50 in Materials Chemistry and NanoChemistry

    The expert lead 50 researchers in the field of Materials Chemistry and NanoChemistry is a special compilation of leading fifty scientists (under the age of fifty years) as a showcase portfolio and acknowledgement of leading top researchers in the field of Materials Chemistry, NanoChemistry, NanoCatalysis, Chemistry Materials and Chemistry of Materials. The scientists with well established labs and having leading explorations in the above fields can participate as author in this compilation. The h factor should be more than 20 in the google scholar/scopus citations.

    Journal Editors

    Dr. RS Verma materials nanoscienceDr. Rajender S. Verma,
    U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
    ORD, National Risk Management Research Laboratory
    Water Systems Division/ Water Resources Recovery Branch
    26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA EB

    Prof. Vikas Tomar
    Director, Interfacial Multiphysics Lab
    Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
    School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
    Purdue University – West Lafayette IN 47906 USA

    Dr. B.S. Chhikara
    University of Delhi, Delhi, India.


    Interested and eligible scientists / academicians need to complete the form below to indicate their willingness for this special compilation:

    Your article manuscript (preferably a review article) should be submitted for publication within two months of acceptance of abstract.

    Participating Scientists

    The approved list of participating author scientists will be included here after due collection and finalization of same by the editors.

    Participating Journal

    Journal of Materials Nanoscience