Regulatory proteins in sperm motility: A review and development of non-hormonal male contraceptives

male contraceptive development


  • Arijit Chakraborty The Assam Royal Global University


Population studies have revealed that the world population is increasing in an exponential manner and development of low-cost spermicides are the need of day especially in reference to developing countries of Asian Continent where it is a severe problem. Recently, men have expressed willingness to share the burden of family planning. Thus, safe, effective and reversible male contraceptives would satisfy an urgent need among couples. Surgical methods such as vasectomy are currently considered as most of the reliable methods of family planning till-date however acceptance rates is affected mostly due to the need of surgical intervention and the fact that the procedure is considered to be permanent as the successful reversal rate is low. Certain novel sperm motility regulatory proteins have been identified and after continuous experimental evaluation in experimental models has been shown to be have regulatory roles in male fertility and are worthy of being developed as potential contraceptive agents. Present article has been designed to demarcate the cellular and molecular events of those regulatory, anti-motility proteins for assessing their contraceptive efficacy. The intended review besides extending the knowledge in the field of male reproductive endocrinology, may possibly open perspectives for contraceptive development and future application strategies.


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Author Biography

  • Arijit Chakraborty, The Assam Royal Global University

    School of Life Sciences,
    The Assam Royal Global University,
    Guwahati, Assam 781035, India





Review Articles

How to Cite

Chakraborty, A. Regulatory Proteins in Sperm Motility: A Review and Development of Non-Hormonal Male Contraceptives. Chem Biol Lett 2021, 8 (1), 10-17.