About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Materials NanoScience is a peer reviewed journal for publication of research advances in Materials Science, Advanced Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Polymers, NanoScience, Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Bionanotechnology and smart materials development.

Selected areas covered by journal (however, not limited to)

* Nanostructured Materials, NanoScience, NanoTechnology, NanoChemistry, BioNanotechnology, Biomedical Nanotechnology, NanoMaterials, Functional Materials, Smart Materials, NanoBiomaterials, Nano Sensors, NanoComposite Materials, Metallic NanoMaterials, Nano Thin Films, Magnetic Nanomaterial, Nanomaterials for agriculture and horticulture applications, MEMS, Solar Energy, Nanophenonones and Nanophotones, NanoDrug Discovery & Delivery.
> Nanomaterials: Synthesis & Characterization : Various synthesis and characterization mechanisms for Nanowires, Nanoparticles,Nanorods, Nanotubes, Nanocrystals, Nanounits including their structure, alignment and assemblies.
> Nano devices and systems : Smart sensors, Nanoswitches and Optical-biosensors, Photonics, etc. including modelling and simulation.
> Nanotechnology for Energy, Electronics and Environmental applications: Advanced materials for clean energy, green chemistry, lithium-ion batteries, lthium-air batteries, sodium-ion batteries, and similar other research advances at nanoscale.
> Nanomaterials in Biotechnology, Pharmacy and Food Industry: Intelligent delivery structures, targeted drug delivery, nanomaterials for fertilizers, and other advances in this field.
> Renewable Energy: Materials for solar cells, thermoelectric materials, solar cell designs, improved solar energy trapping, and similar nanoscale research advances in other fields of renewable energy sources.
> Analytical Modelling and Simulation of Nanoelectronic Devices: Research in designing and development in nanoelectronics and nanodevices
> NanoMedicine (Nanomaterials in Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnolgoy, NanoPharmaceuticals): The development in nanomedicne and nanobiotechnology research.

Sections and Section Policies

* Review Articles
Review articles in nanomaterials, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Includes 'Tutorial Review' articles as well.
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* Research Articles
Research articles and short communications on nanoscience and nanotechnology
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* Expert Viewpoint
View point and commentaries on latest research advances published in any journal. It is Experts' Opinion on specific field of nanomaterials advances.
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* Nanochemistry & Materials Chemistry
Research and Review articles related to Chemistry of Nanomaterials, Nanochemistry and NanoCatalysis, Materials Chemistry. Application of nanomaterials in chemistry and chemical processes, and Nano & Chemistry interface related field research advances. Chemistry in development of new materials.
Make a new submission to the Nanochemistry & Materials Chemistry section.
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* Nano Education
The literary chapters, teaching material in field of nanomaterials and nanoscience
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* Nanomedicine & Biomaterials
Nanomedicine, Nanobiotechnology and research in new Biomaterials related research and review Articles.
Make a new submission to the Nanomedicine & Biomaterials section.
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* Materials Science
Research articles from Materials sciences, Composite materials, Inorganic Materials, Organic Materials and smart materials development.
Make a new submission to the Materials Science section.
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* Nanoenergy & Energy Materials
Research and Review articles from Nanoenergy, energy nanomaterials, solar energy materials, PV, Energy storage, Battery, Supercapacitor, Bioenergy, Green Energy Materials, and all other research advances in field of Energy Materials development and applications.
Make a new submission to the Nanoenergy and Energy Materials section.
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* Polymers and Functional Materials
Research and Review articles from the field of Polymers, Polymer Science, Applied Polymers, Self healing polymers, Polymer applications, Natural and synthetic polymers, organic-inorganic composite polymers, MOF, functional polymers macromolecular materials, Plastics, Rubber Chemistry, advanced materials and functional materials development research advances.
Make a new submission to the Polymers and Functional Materials section.

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Peer Review Process

The journal uses ‘Single Blind Review’ of the manuscripts, the reviewers must maintain the confidentiality during reviewing and post review of manuscript. The manuscript work should be evaluated in respective field of expertise and detailed feedback and recommendation should be provided to editors.

Standard review time is 3 weeks (time allotted to reviewers).

The standard review process will be applicable to special issues or special topic issues.


Currently, the journal publishes two issues per year with continuous processing and publication of submissions (by As We Go model).

About JMNS

The Journal of Materials NanoScience is a top-tier venue for discoveries in nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanomaterials and smart nanomaterials. The JMNS:

  • would get high Impact by wide circulation and indexing in different scientific content databases.
  • provides free access to all of its research articles for one or more months for each issue (Green open access),
  • would deposit published research articles in different databases.
  • is an ideal home for authors seeking the broadest audience for their most important work.

The journal is led by Editor and an Editorial Board of peer scientists whose depth and experience ensure fair and competent peer review.

Sending your work to the JMNS

The journal considers research submissions in several categories. The JMNS receives submissions only through its website; submissions by mail or e-mail will be returned.

Do you have a question about a manuscript you've already submitted?

  • When a manuscript is received and confirmed by the JMNS, an acknowledgment is sent via e-mail to the corresponding author. For any communication with us, please reference the tracking number assigned by the JMNS noted in the acknowledgment.
  • In order to avoid confusion regarding correspondence, inquiries, and decisions, the JMNS will typically communicate only with those who are designated as corresponding authors during the submission process.

Copyright/Content Access: The Journal publishes articles with 'Green Open Access' (no fee to authors) with reproduction copyright assigned to publisher ScienceIN Publishing.

Unique IDs for Articles: The journal is currently using URN number for the published articles (however, this is currently meant for internal use by journal). The journal will process the assigning of DOI (Digital Object Indentifier) to articles from 2024 onwards as it help in providing the correct citations records for the published articles.

Manuscript submitted and processed for reviewing can't be withdrawn. If authors donot respond to emails for the reviewed and accepted manuscript, then the article will be published by the journal in as such format with a retraction note 'withdrawn by authors' by no response.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The Journal ‘Journal of Materials NanoScience’ and its Publisher ‘ScienceIn’ follows the best practices in evaluation of contents, processing of manuscripts and publishing thereof. The Journal and Publisher essentially follows the code of conduct defined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for Journal Editors (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors listed in COPE guidelines and Publisher (the Code of Conduct Journal Publishers listed in COPE page COPE site

Further, the journal publishes biomedical reports, so the journal adheres and follows the guidelines defined for publication in medical journals by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) in its document ‘Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals’ provided on link http://www.icmje.org/recommendations and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on its webpage http://www.wame.org/

The Authors, Reviewers and Editors need to adhere and follow the code of conduct on ethical practices defined at above mentioned links in the respective roles.


The manuscript processing involves following stages


In addition, general instructions and help pages on ‘Integrated Science’ for Authors, Reviewers and Editors should be referred for brief general conduct


Each authors who submit (and willing to publish in the journal) the manuscript, should read the ethical guidelines for submission and publication of work in scientific and medical journal (listed on above links). Particularly, manuscript must be plagiarism free. Any Animal study reported should have been performed with approval of respective institutional ethical committee and statement thereof should be included in manuscript.

Author Guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission details are provided under Author Guidelines (See submission link).

The authors should refer the publishing ethics or 'Code of conduct' and 'conflict on interest' guidelines on the link: https://pubs.thesciencein.org/authors-code-of-conduct/


The journal uses ‘Single Blind Review’ of the manuscripts, the reviewers must maintain the confidentiality during reviewing and post review of manuscript. The manuscript work should be evaluated in respective field of expertise and detailed feedback and recommendation should be provided to editors. The general code of conduct defined in links below should be referred and followed while reviewing and providing feedback.

The ethics guidelines/code of conduct details for reviewers can be referred at https://pubs.thesciencein.org/reviewers-code-of-conduct/


All the editors should handle the assigned manuscripts by observing fair processing of submissions, editorial independence, confidentiality, and rational decision making within stipulated time framework with the feedback obtained from independent reviewer/experts in the field of work covered in respective manuscript. A detailed code of conduct mentioned in COPE reference documents and ScienceIn page https://pubs.thesciencein.org/editors-code-of-conduct/ should be adhered to.


The Publisher ‘ScienceIn’ handles the unethical publishing cases. In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publication or plagiarism, the publisher, in close collaboration with the editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an erratum, clarification or, in the most severe case, the retraction of the affected work. The publisher, together with the editors, shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred, and under no circumstances encourage such misconduct or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.

Access to journal content: The publisher is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research. The online and digital contents are preserved by the Publisher by maintaining own digital archive and would also ensure accessibility by partnering with other digital archiving organizations. Most of the journal contents are archived in the Print form as well.


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