Conductive carbon nanotubes based polyaniline/polypyrrole
polymer nanocomposite (CNT-PANI-PPy) film was electrochemically
synthesized on graphite electrode using cyclic voltammetry. CNT-PANI-PPy
film formed a biocompatible environment to entrap enzyme molecule and
used as biosensor for pesticide detection. This study shows that enzyme
based conductive polymer nanocomposite film itself acts as a mediator.
Carbon nanotubes promote electron transfer reactions in presence of
Acetythiocholine chloride (ATCl) as a substrate at a lower potential and
catalyzed the electrochemical oxidation of enzymatically formed
thiocholine. Surface morphology was studied by scanning electron
microscopy which shows a porous structure of the modified film
beneficial for enzyme immobilization. Electrochemical behavior of the
fabricated electrodes evaluated through cyclic voltammetry and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The detection of pesticide
(acephate) was performed by chronoamperometry and the limit of detection
(LOD) of acephate was found to be 0.007 ppm concentration which is
quite low.
#NanoCatalysis covers the development in new #chemistry for #nanocatalysts synthesis and applications. The chemistry in the field of nanocatalysis and nanocatalysts is advancing at a fast pace, #high-impact and bringing the new methodologies, chemical procedures for synthesis of nanocatalysts along with development of new type of nanocatalysts. The application field of #nanochemistry of catalysis is spreading to new areas including new nanocatalysis, surface chemistry of nanocatalysts, refining and development of catalysts for existing procedures, new nanoconjugates for higher catalytic activity, nanophysics of catalytic materials, new organic nanocatalysts, solution chemistry of nanocatalysts, and so on. A special issue covering the recent advances in chemistry of nanocatalysis will cover following fields:
Carbon based nanocatalysts: Nanofullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, Graphene,
Nanocatalysis – development of new nanocatalysts and applications thereof.
Nanoscience chemistry of metal catalyst materials
Chemistry of Nanoenergy materials
NanoChips (semiconductor designing and development using new materials chemistry)
Nanocatalysts/nanomaterials for Nanobattery and nanofuel cells
Inorganic Chemistry development in nanoparticle catalysts and applications thereof like gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, iron and magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots, and other metal /alloy nanoparticles.
Nanocatalysts for biotechnology and Nanomedicine – Chemistry of Drug delivery systems
BioNanocatalysts: Chemistry and Biology of Biocatalysts
NanoEnzymes Chemistry
All other subfields of Nanocatalysts development and application
The articles are invited from Chemical Sciences fraternity for publication in special issue. The Review articles, Original Research Articles, Short Communication, Expert Opinion would be considered for processing in the issue.
Submission: Authors need to submit their manuscript as per author guidelines on the journal Editorial Manager /manuscript processing site (or alternatively can be submitted by email at )
Last Date of Submissions: Ongoing
There is no publishing charges or APC for publishing in the journal.
Issue Editing by
Dr. Rajender S. Verma, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency ORD, National Risk Management Research Laboratory Water Systems Division/ Water Resources Recovery Branch 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443 Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA EB
Associate Editor and Senior Advisor
Research interest: NanoChemistry, Nanocatalysis, Nanoscience, nanomaterials.
Nanomaterials Frontiers is meant to cover exciting new and recent research advances in field of nanomaterials, smart materials development, new notable technological advances at nanometer scale research and path breaking research finding in nanomaterials advances. The Frontier research in nanomaterials covered from all literary sources highlighted as breakthrough findings in form of summarized reports ‘Nanomaterials Frontiers’ be published combined in print form of ‘Journal of Materials NanoScience’, however, selected highlights will be published online as well. The summarized highlights would provide a quick grasp of latest advances to scientists and young researchers.
Researchers are invited to submit the reports for covering in highlights/frontiers as small summary write up in simple lucid presentation (for easy understanding by novice researchers) extending upto 2 pages. The report should include new title and 2-3 pages/paragraphs summary along with references to original source. Selective images and created graphics may also be included in the report. The report author should also submit his/her biography (passport photograph and affiliation). Submit by email to pubs @ thesciencein .org or may submit by form below.
The editorial board reserve the right to select suitable highlight report for publication or not to consider.
In this research work, we have synthesized blend of starch/PVA/nanoclay via solution cast method. The composition of blend was starch and PVA in 1:1 ratio by weight with citric acid as plasticizer. The amount of nanoclay was varied between 0.5 to 2 wt%. The structure elucidation of the film by Scanning electron microscopy reveals homogeneous dispersion of nanoclay into polymer matrix. The biodegradation of the films were studied by soil burial method and enzymatic hydrolysis and it was found that completely biodegradable films were produced which could serve as potential candidate for food packaging.
Herbal nanomedicine interactions to enhance pharmacokinetics, pharmaco-dynamics, and therapeutic index for better bioavailability and biocompatibility of herbal formulations
Rajiv Kumar University of Delhi
Munesh Sharma Arogya Nidhi Ayurveda Clinic
Keywords: Phyto-medicine, Hydrophilicity, Nanocarriers, Drug Delivery
The recent technological advancement in nanotechnology has opened new avenues for research and development in the field of phyto-medicine. Development of reliable and eco-friendly synthesis of nanoparticles is a significant advancement for introduction nanotechnology to develop noble nanomedical delivery system of herbs (HNMDS), and have to overcome the downsides of old-style herbs-medicines delivery through analyzing the interactions between nanocarriers and herbs or phyto-medicine. The application of nanotechnological methods for bioavailability and biocompatibility enhancement of phyto-medicine must be reviewed and need urgent prompt efforts to develop new formulations. Nanotechnology enables the combination of hitherto separate approaches to health care by permitting the realization of so-called ’theranostic’ applications, as well as targeted combination products. Formulation must also release active ingredient from phyto-formulation as developing nano dosage forms has number of benefits for phyto-medicine. This review discusses nano sized herbs-nanomedicines delivery carries and potential current and futuristic advances for enhancing the activity and overcoming problems associated with herbal medicines for novel HNMDS.
The two prominent diseases i.e Cancer and HIV infections has been putting a challenge to researchers community to find a reliable treatment. There have been newer developments and research advances in finding the cure for these by using chemistry biology interface research. To collect the advances in the filed, a special issue on anti-cancer and anti-HIV therapeutics development would be published in Chemical Biology Letters. The issue will cover the themes (though not limited to as field and research is wide):
– Kinase Inhibitor advances
– new targets for anti-cancer molecules
– development in anti-HIV therapeutics
– Medicinal Chemistry of Anti-Cancer drugs
– Medicinal Chemistry of anti – HIV molecules
– Development in drug delivery systems for anti-cancer and anti-HIV drugs
– Peptides based drug delivery
– Peptide therapeutics
– targeted drug delivery
– Small molecules and Heterocyclic molecules for anti-cancer and anti-HIV therapy
The Medicinal Chemistry community is invited to contribute a ‘Review Article’ ‘Research Article’ or ‘Short Communication’ for processing in special issue.
Prof. Keykavous Parang
Associate Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Global Affairs
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology
Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus
9401 Jeronimo Rd.
Irvine, CA 92618-1908. USA
> The Authors need to submit a single manuscript file containing all figures and tables. > The supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file. > A cover letter and graphical abstract should be submitted along with manuscript as details provided below.
Cover letter
Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.
Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, experimental procedures, conclusion in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. References should be formatted as shown for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5
1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449. 2. B.K. Sharma. Ph.D. Dissertation, Thesis Title, Cornell University, 1995. 3. R. Hussain, D. Shinkoi. Title of book like Synthesis and application of ionic liquid, John Wiley & Sons: New York, 2010. 4. R.S. Buchanod, D.K. Reddy. In Selective Organic Transformations; T.R. Thyagarajan, Ed.; Integrated science: New York, 2002; Vol. 2, pp 1–95. 5. G.L. Loyale, U.S. Patent 5 934 456, 1998; Chem. Abstr. 1998, 65, 2870.
Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors may use Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for all ScienceIn journals):
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(click and download the endnote style file from google drive … and either copy the file to Endnote style folder (go to C:>Program files>Endnote > Style folder > paste the file in this folder (it will listed in style when you open the Endnote program) or you can directly Open the downloaded style file in EndNote program and use).
Also the user can check the respective program user guide (online link on Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote) regarding information on how to use the style file.
Authors need to submit all manuscripts through journal website. Register by following link ‘Register’ above (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find ‘new submission’ link in your panel page.
For review purpose, author can submit the manuscript as outlined above. However, Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template (provided below) as it progress towards acceptance. On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template). If you face difficulty in preparing manuscript according to template, then you can forward your manuscript (place all figures with caption in the end of file) to Copyeditor/Support department ( )
On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).
Login and submit the manuscript online (submission by email are not accepted). Only online submissions are accepted now.
Authors are advised to contact Support, CBL (email: pubs @ ) if there is any problem in registration or submission.
Unique IDs for Articles: The journal is currently using URN number for the published articles (however, this is currently meant for internal use by journal) and also assign DOI to published articles.
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Authors should mention any conflict of interest in the work submitted to Chemical Biology Letters. The statement about conflict of interest may be mentioned in the ‘Letter to editor’ or placed in the manuscript after acknowledgement section.
Authors need to check the details of ‘Conflict of Interest’ for authors of scientific works.
Ethical Uses Declaration
If the manuscript report the experimentation on animals (including clinical trials on human beings), then declaration about ethical way handling of animals and about keeping the complete privacy of human identity (in case of clinical trials) must be mentioned in the manuscript.
Helsinki Declaration (contents from NIH-NLM): When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (5). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. See the detailed instructions on and (for recent applicable policy documents).
Authors need to check and follow the general Ethical Practices for Authors of scientific work.
Submission Journal Link
Submit manuscript on journal editorial processing site at
NanoChemistry covers the development in new chemistry for nanomaterials synthesis and applications. The chemistry in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology is advancing at a fast pace and bringing the new methodologies, chemical procedures for synthesis of nanomaterials along with development of new type of nanomaterials. The application field of nanochemistry is spreading to new areas including nanocatalysis, nanomedicine, nanoconjugates, nanophysics of chemistry materials, nanobatteries, semiconductors and so on. A special issue covering the recent advances in chemistry of nanomaterials will cover following fields (though not limited to as field is advancing at fast pace):
Carbon Nanotubes
Nanocatalysis – development of new nanocatalysts and applications thereof.
Nanoscience chemistry of fuel materials
Chemistry of Nanoenergy materials
NanoChips (semiconductor designing and development using new materials chemistry)
Nanobattery and nanofuel cells
Inorganic Chemistry development in nanoparticles and applications thereof like gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, iron and magnetic nanoparticles, quantum dots, and other metal /alloy nanoparticles.
Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine – Chemistry of Drug delivery systems
The articles are invited from Chemical Sciences fraternity for publication in special issue. The Review articles, Original Research Articles, Short Communication, Expert Opinion would be considered for processing in the issue.
Submission: Authors need to submit their manuscript as per author guidelines on the journal Editorial Manager /manuscript processing site (or alternatively can be submitted by email at )
Last Date of Submissions: ongoing submission.
Issue Edited by
Dr. Rajender S. Verma,
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
ORD, National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Water Systems Division/ Water Resources Recovery Branch
26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443
Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA EB
Associate Editor and Senior Advisor
Research interest: NanoChemistry, Nanocatalysis, Nanoscience, nanomaterials.
The Authors need to submit a single manuscript file containing all the figures/tables/graphs/othergraphics and text as described below. The supplementary data files should be submitted as a separate file. Authors are advised to prepare their manuscript according to journal article template provided below.
Cover letter
Authors should supply a cover letter indicating rational of their work. Cover letter should also have details of at least three reviewers (with email). Cover letter should be provided on the first step of submission in “Comments for Editor’ box.
Graphical Abstract
Authors need to submit a graphical abstract highlighting the contents of manuscript. Graphical abstract could be submitted as supplementary file or on the last page of manuscript. The preferred image size of graphical abstract is 700px x 250px
Manuscript should include Title, Author (s), Affiliation (complete name of institutions), Abstract, 5 Keywords, (other sections like Introduction, Results and discussion, conclusion, experimental procedures in the main body text of manuscript could be used for full paper article), acknowledgment and references in the listed order. Short communications need not to be arranged in different sections. References should be formatted as shown for articles,1 theses,2 books,3,4 and patents,5
1. R. Ping, M. Laura, P.S. Mario. Title of the journal article should be included here. Int. Lett.Org. Chem. 1996, 61, 4439–4449.
Citation Manager style files: Authors are highly encouraged to use the citation manager programs for citing and formatting the references. Authors may use Mendelay, Zotero, Paper 2 or Endnote program. If you are using any of these citation manager program for Bibliography (References and Notes), then you can download citation style file for journal (common for all ScienceIn journals):
Authors can directly add the styles to Zotero and Mendeley, follow the below steps: Zotero: Open Zotero desktop > Edit (top menu)> Preferences > Cite (menu in new opened small window) > Get additional styles.. (click this link below the list of styles) > in new opened window – search the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ link > style file will download > Open the file with Zotero desktop and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals). Mendeley: Open Mendeley desktop > View (top menu) > Citation Styles > More styles.. > go to tab ‘Get more styles’ (in new opened window) > search for the term ‘Integrated Science’ in search box and then click on ‘install’ adjacent to ‘Integrated Science Publishing Journals’ list > style file will be installed > then click on ‘Use this style’ from the installed styles tab and use (this style is common for all ScienceIn Journals).
(click and download the endnote style file from google drive … and either copy the file to Endnote style folder (go to C:>Program files>Endnote > Style folder > paste the file in this folder (it will listed in style when you open the Endnote program) or you can directly Open the downloaded style file in EndNote program and use).
Also the user can check the respective program user guide (online link on Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote) regarding information on how to use the style file.
On acceptance of manuscript, authors must need to supply their manuscript in Article template (if they have not already submitted in template).
Authors need to submit all manuscripts through journal website. Register by following link ‘Register’ above (make sure to mark checked the options Author and reviewer while registering for journal). On login, you will find ‘new submission’ link in your panel page.
On acceptance of manuscript, Authors are required to submit revised manuscript in journal articles template (If authors wish, they are free to submit their manuscript in journal article template while submitting first time).
download the template (as per the MS Word version that you have on your computer), double click the file to open and then prepare your article and save it with your own name.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology research is advancing at a fast pace and new material development with wider applications along with proper identification and characterization of nanomaterials is progressing towards making the new smart materials. The publishing of results from research in nanoscale also require international platform having advanced digitized technology for wider and quicker circulation of research to keep the edge on advancing competitively. The international journal for nanomaterials research that cover nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, smart nanoscale advances, nanocharacterization technologies along with indexing in popular search engines (like Google Scholar, Scopus etc) has been publishing with the title ‘Journal of Materials NanoScience’ by the ScienceIn International. The journal is having international editorial board to ascertain the quality of published research content and also time bound publishing for timely publishing of articles. Submit your next excellent submission to the journal at at its site: